

As you read the words in this place, we suggest you let go of straining for understanding. ..of seeking meaning, answers, logic and consistency. Read with soft eyes. Led the feeling evoked in you be your guide. Allow yourself to be with the energy of the words, the images they arouse and the remembering they may stir in you.

If you go to your mind, if you try to understand, you will contract your life energy. Stay open, neither agreeing nor disagreeing with what is written here, and something will happen beyond thinking, beyond comprehension. Remember that what we are attempting to share cannot be said. But it can be heard!
...so, listen. ...and enjoy yourself.


Stay here

There is nowhere to go. Stay here in the place of your true home inside. You are in the process of returning home to the place where all is right, absolute harmony and fullness. From the dimension of forgetfulness which is the earth, from the shadow of reality, you are returning to the dimension of remembrance where you know who you are and there are no more doubts.~Anadi


Be Silent and Know

People ask, "If I am already this perfect Self, then why am I suffering?" This is a very good question and one that you should take very seriously. Ask the question of yourself. Why am I suffering? More to the point, ask yourself the question, "Who is this one that suffers?" Don't just skip over the words, lock yourself in a room for a period of time if you have to, face yourself and find out who you really are. If you are confusing yourself with something you are not, you suffer. If you are covering up your reality with a limited false identity, you suffer. When you have a headache, you seek relief and yearn to come back to your natural state in which there is no headache. Likewise, when you feel bound by a false identity you seek liberation and yearn to come back to your natural state, which happens to be boundless freedom and perfect peace. ~Cee

Self-enquiry is an effective method for helping everyone to come home.
You are not what you think.
Be silent and know.


Wake Up -> Go Beyond -> Live Really

What is birth and death but the beginning and the ending of a stream of events in consciousness? Because of the idea of separation and limitation they are painful. Momentary relief from pain we call pleasure - and we build castles in the air hoping for endless pleasure which we call happiness. It is all misunderstanding and misuse. Wake up, go beyond, live really." ~Ramesh.S.B


Because I didn't see it

Two bats flew out at the same time from the cave to different directions looking for food. After some time one of them flew back first into the cave, and the other one flew back later but with a bleeding head.

"What happened ?
"Uh..Do you really want to know?"
"Yes, of course"
"Come with me"

So they flew out again. And after flying for some distance, the bat with the bleeding head pointed at one electricity pole and said to his friend,

"Do you see that electricity pole?"
"Yes, I do. But why?"
"Why? Because I didn´t see it! That´s why."

Not Knowing C;


Immaturity and the search in a nutshell!

Unfortunately most seekers aren't really seeking anything much more than seeking itself!

Even though, all seekers are not the same. But our conclusion after years of meeting so called-seekers on the path is that very rarely you find a true seeker! One that won’t settle for less, as his/her heart won’t rest before reaching this clarity and harmony.
The nature of the spiritual journey of most seekers is mainly based on collecting spiritual knowledge, as well as becoming a bit more conscious of their mental and psychological tendencies. Such seekers are searching outside of them, in order to become “More” of what they already are. They desire to empower themselves, and make their earthly life better handled in terms of relieving some of their suffering. They are not searching for a real answer, but more for general sense of comfort and relief. Such limited prospective can have its' relative benefits. Yet, it is far from reaching the potencial of mankind to reach its' true identity. Usually the journey of such seekers will usually fade out after some time, as their quest is not based on a true soul-desire, and in truth it has never truly existed within their hearts, but only within their minds.




Jump-Rope Rhyme

Tat Tvam asi:
thou art that --
that leaf, that tree,
that cow, that cat,
that cloud, that sky,
that moon, that sun,
that you, that I --
for all are one.
So here you are
and there you go
and who you were
you hardly know.

I think this I
is only me:
a drip, a drop,
but not the sea.
Yet when I wake
from all these dreams,

then, like the snake,
I'll shed what seems:
this mask, this skin,
this ball and chain.
I will begin
to fall like rain.

Our heart's last home:
the wind-whipped foam,
the sweet, deep sea.
Tat tvam asi.

~Tom Hansen


Choicelessness is Bliss

To the actor, all roles are the same. What difference does it make whether you become Jesus or Judas in a drama? If you really know that this is a drama, and Judas and Jesus are all the same behind the curtain, behind the stage - it is just an act - then what is wrong in being a Judas? How can you dislike it? And what is good in being Jesus? How can you like it? Likes and dislikes exist only when you think you are the doer. Then good and bad come in, then judgement, evaluation, then appreciation and condemnation. Then the duality enters. The duality enters only with the doer. If you are an actor, it is all the same whether you are a Judas or a Jesus.
Once you understand the point that life is just a great drama, you are finished with likes and dislikes. Then whatsoever the whole bids, you do it. You are not the doer: you fulfill the desire of the Whole. That is one of the greatest teachings of all religions: to become an actor in life. Then like/dislike disappears. When like/dislike disappears, choice disappears - and when you are choiceless, you are free. ~Osho

We all are Consciousness manifesting itself in the dual world. This whole world is happening in Consciousness. Buddha and Hitler both. So even if you are a mini-hitler, you are still in!



from translation to transformation

Ego does nothing but translate and interpret reality.
Religion has always served two purposes. One is transformation, the other one is translation. Transformation requires that you stand in life without any filter, without any belief but live directly. This has only worked for very few throughout the ages. In this way religion helps you to undo all the old beliefs and you can once again experience reality directly. Ego can not experience directly, It can only translate what it perceives to be real. So for the masses religion has served this purpose. It has helped the ego to translate reality. To explain it in a way that the mind can live with it. Satsang in a way also brings you a translation but this translation is meant to transform you. Direct transformation is not so easy for the mind. Silence cuts any identification immediately. The words of satsang are meant to be a bridge from translation to transformation.


Is that so?

The Zen master Hakuin lived a pure life and was greatly respected by all the people in his village. A beautiful girl, whose parents owned a food store, became pregnant and did not want tell who was the father. After some harassment she said it was Hakuin. The parents were very angry went to Hakuin and told him what the girl had said. All he replied was, “Is that so?” When the child was born it was taken to Hakuin – who by this time was in disrepute and had lost his reputation. The parents said, “This is your child and you should look after it.” Hakuin said, “Is that so?” He took very good care of the child – asking his neighbours for milk to feed the baby. A year later the girl, not being able to contain herself any longer, confessed that Hakuin was not the father, but that the father is the fishmongers son. Very apologetically the mother and father of the girl went to Hakuin and told him the story. While handing back the child Hakuin said, “Is that so?”


A Dog's Life

In stillness,

there is no wanting.

In wanting,

there is no stillness.

So you can chase
cars and bark
your head off

or sit silently
enjoying the sunshine.

Either way is fine.

It's up to you!
