

Pay attention to the subtileness
that are not in words
comprehend what can not be
captured by understanding


Maitreya Ishwara

You are addicted to dreams of the future and memories of the past. The primary illusion is identification with your mind as 'me'.
Immersion in the fire of Now burns away your obsession with these illusions of the mind.



You eat not food but ideas. What you wear are not clothes, but labels and names.



Be aware in each moment to be with what is.


People who are involuntarily exposed to information that increases dissonance are likely to discount that information, either by ignoring it, misinterpreting it, or denying it.


Consciously or unconsciously we refuse to see... because we do not really want to let go of our problems; for what would we be without them?


Wei Wu Wei

Whatever you may be, you are being 'lived.' You are not travelling, as you think: you are being 'travelled.'
Remember: you are in a train. Stop trying to carry your baggage yourself! It will come along with you anyhow.


Are you ready to lose your world?
Because true awakening will not fit into the world as you imagine it or the self you imagine yourself to be. Reality is not something that you integrate into your personal view of things. Reality is life without your distorting stories, ideas and beliefs. It is perfect unity free of all reference points, with nowhere to stand and nothing to grab hold of. It has never been spoken, never been written, never been imagined. It is not hidden, but in plain view. Cease to cherish opinions and it stands before your very eyes. —Adyashanti



In the softness of 'now', there is a vast presence, a place where sound caresses and colors and forms touch. To sink into this presence is to expand into truth. —Umi


The task of any useful spiritual practice is therefore to dismantle cherishing the thoughts, opinions and ideas that make up the false self, theself that is seeking. This is the true task of both meditation and inquiry. Through meditation, we can come to see that the only thing that makes ussuffer is our own mind. Sitting quietly reveals the mind to be nothing but conditioned thinking spontaneously arising within awareness. —Adyashanti


A spoon cannot taste of the food it carries.
Likewise, a foolish man
cannot understand the wise man's wisdom
even if he associates
with a sage. –Gautama