
The Stone Mind

Hogen, a Chinese Zen teacher, lived alone in a small temple in the country. One day four traveling monks appeared and asked if they might make a fire in his yard to warm themselves.
While they were building the fire, Hogen heard them arguing about subjectivity and objectivity. He joined them and said: "There is a big stone. Do you consider it to be inside or outside your mind?"
One of the monks replied: "From the Buddhist viewpoint everything is an objectification of mind, so I would say that the stone is inside my mind."
"Your head must feel very heavy," observed Hogen, "if you are carrying around a stone like that in your mind."


You cannot describe it or draw it. You cannot praise it enough or perceive it. No place can be found in which to put the Original Face; it will not disappear even when the universe is destroyed....


The True Path

Just before Ninakawa passed away the Zen master Ikkyu visited him. "Shall I lead you on?" Ikkyu asked.

Ninakawa replied: "I came here alone and I go alone. What help could you be to me?"

Ikkyu answered: "If you think you really come and go, that is your delusion. Let me show you the path on which there is no coming and no going."

With his words, Ikkyu had revealed the path so clearly that Ninakawa smilled and passed away.

My Heart Burns Like Fire

My heart burns like fire but my eyes are as cold as dead ashes.


Wake up to the Beyond!

As long as you function as a product of the collective mind, you are merely one more insignificant particle of Ignorance. As long as you are a fabrication of collective consciousness, you are not alive. And when you start to question your basic concepts about life and yourself, you begin breaking away from Ignorance.
Collective consciousness has many levels. Spiritual teachings are also part of the collective mind. In order to free yourself from the lower states of the collective mind, you must explore the more developed layers. For instance, instead of pursuing the social model and being a 'good worker' in a factory, you choose a more insightful option and become a Buddhist or .... Nevertheless, you are still not free, you still continue as a part of the collective unconsciousness. As your questioning moves further, you start to question the authority of spiritual traditions as well. It continues until you are completely free and see reality as it truly is!
Do not take existence for granted. The Great Question is: 'what is it?' What is this Existence? Where is it? This world is only in your mind! Wake up to the Beyond! Wake up to the reality beyond name and form. Before you were born, where were you? You found yourself suddenly under the control of some adults, claiming to be your parents. You found yourself in some country which forced you to become its citizen. But do you really belong Here? We are not asking you about your past incarnations but about your timeless, eternal identity – about your identity beyond any incarnation.
Here, we give you answers and questions. And even more important part of our work is to give you the right questions. But they are not your questions yet! They have to become your questions, for we simply mirror your Soul. You are the question and you are the answer. ~Anadi Kristof


Gone Beyond ...

Gate Gate Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha!

Gone, gone, gone beyond, gone beyond awakening, Bodhi Svaha!
...where even the cosmic fire of the witness is transcended.

Won't you join him there?

Now Start Living!

I would like you to break the habit of waiting. You have waited enough … you have already waited more than was needed. Now start living! And there is only one way to live and that is to start now! There is no tomorrow, the only time is now. All tomorrows are imaginary. The past is memory, the future is imagination. Only this moment is true and only this moment is the door to the divine.
... Immediately you will see a new life happening to you. ~Osho

Do you see it?



You are not limited by what you do or don’t understand,
you are only limited by what you know.


Tradition And Security

Q: Why are people so afraid of going beyond traditions?

A: Because they are not seeking truth but rather security. What are seekers doing? They are looking at different traditions like at the menu in a restaurant. They try to find the one that fits themselves the most. Just to fit into one available interpretations of Truth is the greatest happiness for an average seeker! Everybody is following everybody, individual unconsciousness gives rise to collective unconsciousness! Everyone is so unconscious! Nobody has time to look for truth, so everybody wants to follow something which has a good reputation, which has the authority of the past. It is all based on the idea of authority. Authority is a drug against basic fear and insecurity. The reality is that there are few real seekers. From all the so-called seekers, perhaps one percent represent 'real seekers' and one percent of this one percent is ready to see the whole truth. ~Anadi Kristof


You are the Path!

Q: How do I know that I am on the right Path?

A: First of all, are you on the Path? Unless you know who you are, you are not on the Path at all. That which most seekers call following the Path is: a search for a Path. The Path begins with awakening. It is I Am which is the Path and there is no other Path. The concept that there are many ways to reach Self-realisation is true on some level and false on another level. For what is the Path? You are the Path! ~Anadi


Who is the master and who is the disciple?

These are just miserable characters in the human 'spiritual comedy.' There is just the Soul and Universal Intelligence...nothing else.

The Journey - from here to herenow

Our journey is a journey from beginning to end in which
the end is also the beginning...



Wind, flag, mind moves.
The same understanding.
When the mouth opens
All are wrong.


the Truth simply is

Liberation exists not because the false is seen as false but because and only because the Truth is seen as the Truth. It is the positive that liberates. And it truly doesn't matter whether we call it being or non-being, or both or neither, the Truth simply is. ~Anadi Kristof


One with This

While sitting in meditation, and just after having said aloud for the benefit of his disciples, “No suppressing arrival, no following departure,” [Zen Master] Daibai heard a weasel shriek, the “this” of the following poem. It is said that on reciting the poem, he indeed breathed his last.

I am one with this, this only.
You, my disciples,
Uphold it firmly.
Now I can breathe my last. DAIBAI

As you read these words, you may hear a car passing or people talking. Be one with this. At this moment, there is no other. There is no next. ~Josh Baran



Am I saying: Enjoy this moment, Be happy?
Allow the Suchness of this moment.
That’s enough.


Life is not about feeling good.
It is about being real.


The Practical or Theoretical Advaita?

We recommend to all students and teachers of Advaita to be more critical. Follow Advaita, if you wish but know that Reality is simply much more rich than any linear philosophy, with Advaita included.

The Practical Advaita and the Theoretical Advaita are very different. In the Theoretical Advaita, the Self is the only reality, there is no Path and we are all already awakened. But Practical Advaita knows that there is a long way to go before the truth of these statements can become our living truth. ~Anadi Kristof