
Omar Khayyam

We are the puppets and fate the puppeteer
This is not a metaphor, but a truth sincere
On this stage, fate for sometime our moves steer
Into the chest of non-existence, one by one disappear.



To the actor, all roles are the same. What difference does it make whether you become Jesus or Judas in a drama? If you really know that this is a drama, and Judas and Jesus are all the same behind the curtain, behind the stage - it is just an act - then what is wrong in being a Judas? How can you dislike it? And what is good in being Jesus? How can you like it?
Likes and dislikes exist only when you think you are the doer. Then good and bad come in, then judgement, evaluation, then appreciation and condemnation. Then the duality enters. The duality enters only with the doer. If you are an actor, it is all the same whether you are a Judas or a Jesus. Once you understand the point that life is just a great drama, you are finished with likes and dislikes. Then whatsoever the whole bids, you do it. You are not the doer: you fulfill the desire of the whole. That is one of the greatest teachings of all religions: to become an actor in life. Then like/dislike disappears. When like/dislike disappears, choice disappears - and when you are choiceless, you are free.


The illumined ones do not plan for the future. Why should they? There is no sense of "I" in them any longer, they are directed by the Infinite Power. They will just watch and wait and see what happens. They let things take their course and resign all to that Absolute Power, which you can call God or whatever you like. There is no egoism in them, so they are quiet.


Maitreya Ishwara

Every soul’s destiny is reunion with God. The time, date and place are already decided by God. The significant question is when. The answer is known to God alone.
The entire universe and all the microscopic details of its functioning are preprogramed by God. Everything is predestined. This complexity will always be unfathomable to science and even to fully enlightened ones. This means that there are never any accidents; every event is deliberate, everything is perfect. You are divinely programed with an illusory ego that believes in free will and thinks it has choice.
Choicelessness is bliss. To let the energy guide you is freedom; to go with the flow is the way home. To understand: I am already part of God, brings you to the door of the beyond. To pass through the door requires your total let-go. Fear is the last barrier. Take courage. Jump. The other side is love.


Mother Meera

When you know that you are eternal you can play your true role in time. When you know you are divine you can become completely human. When you know you are one with God you are free to become absolutely yourself ...


Michael P. Garofalo

To dance at the still point of the Time beyond time,
Beyond pasts, within futures, this Moment
Now and forever, beyond minds.
Not knowing of Who or why,
We stroll in rose gardens, and Love.
Precious flowers in the sky.

* * *
The Buddha raised one flower
Sharing a silent sign;
Maha-Kasyapa smiled,
Keeping an open mind.
Truly eye to eye, free and kind,
Outside any scriptures, beyond the lies;
Fresh flowers in a sunny sky.


Eckhart Tolle

Many expressions that are in common usage, and sometimes the structure of language itself, reveal the fact that people don't know who they are. You say: "He lost his life" or "my life," as if life were something that you can possess or lose. The truth is: you don't have a life, you are life. The One Life, the one consciousness that pervades the entire universe and takes temporary form to experience itself as a stone or blade of grass, as an animal, a person, a star or a galaxy.
Can you sense deep within that you already know that? Can you sense that you already are That?


Ken Wilber

In the Dzogchen tradition, if Spirit has any meaning, it must be omnipresent, or all-pervading and all-encompassing. There can't be a place Spirit is not, or it wouldn't be infinite. Therefore, Spirit has to be completely present, right here, right now, in your own awareness. That is, your own present awareness, precisely as it is, without changing it or altering it in any way, is perfectly and completely permeated by Spirit...
You are looking directly at Spirit, with Spirit, in every act of awareness. There is nowhere Spirit is not.



Life is not something waiting for you
it is happening in you



Love is beauty and beauty is truth, and that is why in the beauty of a flower we can see the truth of the universe.



Death always occurs in the present. Death, love & meditation - they all occur in the present. So if you are afraid of death, you cannot love. If you are afraid of love, you cannot meditate. If you are afraid of meditation, your life will be useless. Useless not in the sense of any purpose, but usesless in the sense that you will never be able to feel any bliss in it. It will be futile.
It may seem strange to connect these three; love, meditation, death. It is not! They are similar experiences. So if you can enter one, you can enter the remaining two.


David Deida

The feminine desire for love and the masculine desire for freedom are not in conflict, but are two expressions of a singular desire for divine openness.



I’ve always loved friends of the Way,
Always held them dear.
Meeting a stranger with silent springs;
Greeting a guest talking zen;
Talking about mysteries on a moonlit night;
Searching for truth until dawn,
The tracks of our inventions disappear,
And we see who we really are.



The water of the mind,
how clear it is!
Gazing at it,
the boundaries are invisible.
But as soon as even
a slight thought arises,
ten thousand images crowd it.
Attach to them,
and they become real.
Be carried by them,
and it will be difficult to return.
How painful to see a person
trapped in the ten-fold delusions.


Maitreya Ishwara

You exist as a flow of energy beyond the control of your ego. This energy flow is divine. Feel your energy and let it guide you where it wants to go.

Self-remembering can be maintained while engaged in action. You are aware of the action and of the actor. When action and actor merge consciously you are in the flow of Now.

Self-remembering is also an advaita-based understanding: you are not the small ego-self but the universal Self or Being. This insight is, however, just a hypothesis that must be verified by your experiential merger with the Self through the expansion of awareness.



Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really are.


Anadi Kristof

Attention, when it is attentive to itself, instantaneously steps out of the mind into the dimension of the Now.


Richard Rose

If you would see the true source of illusion, instead of living vicariously on the screen of the theatre, follow the light back through the lens of the projector ... observe the observer.



I see what you too could see, here and now, but for the wrong focus of your attention. You give no attention to your self. Your mind is all with things, people and ideas, never with your self. Bring your self into focus, become aware of your own existence. See how you function, watch the motives and results of your actions. Study the prison you have built around yourself, by inadvertence.



By constantly keeping our focus on our source, our ego is dissolved.



At the intellectual level there can be no end to questions. Instead, hang on to the one who is asking. That is all you need do. Indeed, there is nothing else really that you could do. If you can do this, never allowing the self to escape your attention, you will ultimately find that the seeker is none other than consciousness seeking its own source and that the seeker himself is both the seeking and the sought -and THAT IS YOU.



Come, come, whoever you are -
wanderer, worshipper, lover of leaving.

It doesn't matter.
Ours is not a caravan of despair.

Come, even if you've broken your vow
a thousand times, come,
yet again, come, come.


Maitreya Ishwara

The human mind is programed to cling tenaciously to dreams, words and concepts. Buddhas use words to create a bridge from the conceptual dreamworld to the deeper reality of conscious silence. The ultimate truth cannot be spoken; the concepts buddhas use are just an indication of the deeper nonconceptual reality that awaits your discovery.



...this work is only for those who are not only ready to stand at the abyss, but ready to take the leap into the abyss. What happens when you totally accept that there is no meanings, except those created by the mind? What happens? When you totally get that life has no meaning, that in Truth there is no meaning, then all of Existence opens. Then there is only now, this ever deepening moment of color, music, fragrances and the deeper and deeper sensual feelings of now. And all this for no reason, for no purpose, with no meaning, simply for itself, in this moment. And none of this is a creation of the mind. So now! Come dance with me! Come sing with me! Come laugh with me!



An ancient master said, 'The mountains, the rivers, the whole earth, the entire array of phenomena are all oneself.' If you can absorb the essence of this message, there are no activities outside of meditation: you dress in meditation and eat in meditation; you walk, stand, sit, and lie down in meditation; you perceive and cognize in meditation; you experience joy, anger, sadness, and happiness in meditation...



Zen practice is not clarifying
conceptual distinctions,
but throwing away one's
preconceived views
and notions
and the sacred texts
and all the rest,
and piercing through
all the layers of coverings
over the spring of self behind them.



You are up and you are happy. You are down and you are sad. All ups and downs help you to find a balance in your being. This is what life is all about. Once balanced, no more ups and downs, but bliss and joy and silence and gratitude.



Mind is repetitive, mind always moves in circles. Mind is a mechanism: you feed it with knowledge, it repeats the same knowledge, it goes on chewing the same knowledge again and again. No-mind is clarity, purity, innocence. No-mind is the real way to live, the real way to know, the real way to Be.


G.I. Gurdjieff

One thing alone is certain, that man's slavery grows and increases.
Man is becoming a willing slave. He no longer needs chains.
He begins to grow fond of his slavery, to be proud of it.
And this is the most terrible thing that can happen to a man.