
The secret of life is to "die before you die" -- and find that there is no death. ~Eckhart Tolle


The mind cannot kill itself. So, your business is to find the real nature of the mind. Then you will know that there is no mind. When the Self is sought, the mind is nowhere. Abiding in the Self, one need not worry about the mind. ~Ramana Maharshi


What is mind? No matter.
What is matter? Never mind.
~ G Berkeley


Man's evolution is from innocence to innocence. The first innocence is ignorant, the second innocence is luminous. The first innocence is a kind of sleep, the second innocence is an awakening. The first can be lost, the second cannot be lost. The first has to go -- in the very nature of it, it cannot be eternal; but the second, once it comes, remains forever -- it is eternal.
The first innocence in Christian terms is called Adam. And the second innocence is called Christ. And Jesus is just in-between the two. Jesus is the bridge between the first innocence and the second innocence. Hindus call the second innocence 'rebirth': one becomes twice-born, DWIJA. And that's what Jesus also said to one of the famous professors and theologians of his time, Nicodemus: Unless you are born again, you will not attain to the kingdom of God.

Unless you are born AGAIN...

The first birth has happened, the second birth has to happen... ~Osho


Anadi Kristof

Spiritual expansion aims not at a temporary relief of the mind but at the permanent state beyond the mind.


Watching yourself is the key to your transformation.
Be in a let go, allow things to happen as they come.
Use your intelligence and learn from what you watch in yourself.
That will do. ~Mi Zu


Those who don't feel this life pulling them like a river, those who don't drink dawn like a cup of springwater or take in the sunset like supper, those who don't want to change, let them sleep. ~Rumi


Whatever did, or did not happen, and whatever scale, and to whom, by whom, if we do not let go of the past we are certainly doomed. Dragging the past, in any way, on any scale, just contaminates any possible major fresh start.

And a major new start comes from us — our hearts.
Are we holding on the the past — in any way?
For most people — yes.

Try this. Take a moment, and let go of the past.
It is not even about forgiveness, it is just letting it all go.
If you really allowed that then you will be feeling much lighter and light-hearted.

Life starts now — this very minute.


To get from where you are to where you are not
you must go by the way of what you are not,
and what you are not comes from what is,
and is all around,
and it comes to you on the True Road
in the form of waves and blessings
and swings of raw energy that change the level on which you live
so you arrive where you want to go by just letting it happen...


Unhappiness is the distance between "what is" and "what I want"!


What we need to get is that there is nothing to get. Of course getting that there is nothing to get is not easy to get.


If you remain trapped on the surface, you remain trapped in the endless cycle of attraction and aversion.