
Be Thirsty

Belief only limits your intelligence and is not needed.
What is required is a thirst for truth. ~Maitreya Ishwara


He knows you

Ram Tzu knows you

All of your
Dirty little secrets
Are tattooed on your forehead
For him to read.

You cling so tenaciously
To your history
Sensing correctly that to let go
Would set you adrift in a present
In which you cannot survive.

Here and now is the great evaporator
Poof - you're gone.
Surprising isn't it?
All that time you thought you were
You really weren't.

Poof - back again so soon?
Guess the illusion wasn't finished
With you after all.

If you learned anything
You'll know it doesn't
Make any difference.

Ram Tzu certainly doesn't care.


Observe the observer

There is no need to settle for beliefs about truth – you are capable of knowing truth directly. Self-enquiry is an effective method for helping everyone to come home.

Ask: “Who am I really?” “Who is aware of this moment?”
...moment by moment,
...observe the observer.


With love

I wish you all the courage, open-ness and attraction to again come back to now like it is the first time. ~Kip Mazuy




What you ARE!

You are not the mind. It is axiomatic that the perceiver cannot be the perceived. You can perceive your body; therefore, you are not the body. You can perceive your thoughts; therefore, you are not the mind. That which cannot be perceived or conceived is what you ARE. ~Ramesh


The constant presence

Seeking the source of the "me" does not mean replacing one set of thoughts for another but getting rid of all thoughts by fixing the attention on that Self which is the constant presence behind the mind.


A true seeker!

Many 'Spiritual Seekers' are attempting to escape life as it is.

Very few are true seekers.
In my opinion a true seeker is not seeking.
A true seeker is living life fully, unconditionally, gratefully, with awareness and is continually open for anything that happens. A true seeker has come to see that life is about living - in each moment, just as it is. Not thinking about, understanding, working on it or surrendering to it. Not even accepting it. Just living it - with unconditional awareness

A true seeker knows that life is as it is, in each moment.
There is no alternative to this moment, just as it is.

A true seeker has come to see that free will, as we think of it, is an illusion. What we call and like to believe in, as free will, is the temporary illusion that we are able to say yes or no to situations. We can of course, but if we need to experience this situation we will draw it to us time and time again . Until we take responsibility for it.

I am not intending to say that all is one way or the other. The survivor can include expansion into more consciousness, and the seeker can include the material world. It is that one works and the other does not. Nothing on the outside, in itself brings, 'The Peace that Passeth All Understanding.'

Nor am I intending to infer that one state is better than another -seeker or survivor. Everything is.

No matter what, are we having fun?'
~Paul Lowe


What is the meaning of life?

There is absolutely no meaning to life!
This is the great beauty of life.
Without there being a meaning to life, you are free.
And the truth is you are free.
And with no meaning to life, all is available.
What is the meaning of a rose?
Nothing! It simply is. This is its beauty.
What is the meaning of a tune?
Nothing! It simply is. This is its joy.
What is the meaning of the sun glistening on a dew drop?
Nothing! It simple is. That is the miracle.
What is the meaning of dancing?
Nothing? Yes! Wow! What a freedom!



Q: What is the origin of thought?

A: Thoughts are a gift from Consciousness. Thoughts are the boat that can take you across the river to Consciousness. But also, thoughts are the way the mind stays in control. When you are thinking, they come one thought after another, and they can keep coming, and then you are really lost, you are lost in thoughts. Thoughts are both a gift and a trap. Because once thinking has become a habit, familiar, and appears as a security, then they become the very environment of your world, and the source of your suffering.. But the thoughts keep coming only because they have become a habit, a habit of taking each and every experience and creating a concept about and round about the experience. And all the while, you are being invited instead, of being totally with each experience, with no thoughts.

Know that thoughts are a gift, that they can bring you to Consciousness, but also know that they can lead you into endless suffering. Even though many try, you cannot think your way to Consciousness. You cannot use thinking to figure out life, to try and understand what is really happening, but you can think your way into seeing the futilities created by the world of thinking. And then seeing this, you can leave thinking behind. Thought is the boat that takes you across the river. But if you stay in the boat, then you will never cross the river. Or if you cross the river but do not want to leave the boat, that is to live a very narrow ‘boat' life. Or you may cross the river, get out of the boat and then carry the boat with you where ever you go. That is to live with a very heavy burden. Instead, once you have crossed the river, leave the boat, leave the mind, and then being light and free— then you can dance and sing across this no-mind land. ~Umi


Immediate Now!

Truth consists in being aware of WHAT IS without thinking about it.


Realize that freedom

Happiness depends on something or other and can be lost; freedom from everything depends on nothing and cannot be lost. Freedom from sorrow has no cause and, therefore, cannot be destroyed. Realize that freedom. ~Nisargadatha



At the phenomenal level the only thing that is not a concept is this knowledge which every single human being, every single sentient being at every time in history, has known: I exist, I Am in this moment, Here and Now. ~Ramesh S.B