
Begin to live a real life!

Q: Why it is difficult to be in a harmony with ourselfs and for an
average meditator, to continue the practice alone?

A: Everything is difficult! Everyone expects easy things. That's
why, most give up before they really start. Seekers are so lazy! The
spiritual path requires commitment and sacrifices. One must be
disciplined and dedicated to the work. We cannot be responsible for
the embarrassing quality of most seekers! This work is not for
everyone but on the contrary, very few are mature and ready to
transcend ignorance.

Beloved, you don't need to feel a victim and complain about your
life. You have the power to awaken from the inside. If you are just
waiting for a miracle, not doing anything, you are wasting your
life! You are wasting the potential that was given to you. First, be
responsible for your inner world, for your own feeling, focus
inside, do your best and stabilise your Presence. Next, go into your
Heart and surrender into the depth of the Now. Begin to live a real life! ~Anadi
May you have the courage to cut through your own past and to evolve
into the New.